The most important words that you will ever hear are the words that you say to yourself. What is your self-talk? How do you view yourself? What are your limited beliefs?
Are you someone who always looks at a glass as 1/2full or do you consistently and constantly look at the glass ½ empty and at life being limited?
Your thoughts can set you free to soar to the greatest heights through self-belief or they can cage you in – limiting your freedom because of your fear, or lack of worth.
Through neuro-science we know that your brain is filled with thousands of synapses – each an emotional line (for want of a better word), a line that grows stronger and stronger every time you think the same thought – you can literally programme yourself to a limited state of self-worth , programme fear, anger, resentment, judgement, and many many negative emotional states that keep you prisoner – locks you into a place of darkness or self-loathing.
When you were a baby, even if you had a dirty nappy, people would have come up to you, be drawn to you, to say positive things – at that early state in your life, if people smiles at you, or had a positive move towards you, you responded with a smile or a gurgle. There were no thoughts of fear, self-loathing, resentment unless you were mistreated. So, the question is
Where did this change?
Why did this change?
How did this change?
If you want to change, if you want to live the life that you were meant to live, then now is the time to set yourself free.
RTT and hypnotherapy can help you to unrevel the past and help you to understand the how, when and why things changed, when you understand this on a intellectual level , and learn the art of re-framing you can set yourself free.
If you would like to know more, contact me for a free 15 minutes consultation – you have nothing to lose but your limitations.