The first session is one of discovery – uncovering HOW WHY WHERE and WHEN you may have acquired your issue (this may be physical or emotional e.g., Mental Heath issues). RTT is utilised as a vehicle to regress you back in time to uncover the same emotional responses that are elicited, your unconscious mind may take you back to several events that triggered the response. These events may not seem related when you view them consciously, however, the same emotional state elicits the same response which is WHY your subconscious mind has released them. This session is 1.5-2hours.
Emotional states create synapses within your brain. Imagine, firing and wiring the same emotional response over days, weeks, years, and decades? Science states that we think the same thoughts today, as we did yesterday, so can you imagine how many thousands of times you thought the same thoughts that are not beneficial for you.
Science believes that A human brain is made up of reports 10¹⁴-10¹⁵ (100 – 1000 trillion) synapses, with no citation or explanation.
To move beyond the past requires you to understand how to collapse synapse that do not serve you and re-wire new beneficial thoughts and feelings that serve you best.
Once we uncover the events that fire and wire the same emotional synapses and view them from your current age perspective you will reach an AH moment in clarity. The fact is that the only person who can help you heal is you – you control your thoughts, which effect your emotions. We know that the mind affects the body and the body affects the mind. As such, it is only through changing throughs by re-framing that you are able to collapse synapses or behaviours that no longer serve you. During this session, various modalities may be used including CBT, NLP, and clairaudience.