RTT in the Workplace

A Modern Scientific Approach in Business

Utilizing modern science approaches in Business that help individuals to better understand themselves can only be beneficial for your bottom line.  Many of the world’s leading companies not longer need validation of a University degree, as they understand many of modern days mind sciences are not yet understood by Newtonian supporters - in fact, one of the worlds most successful companies used mind therapy.

Mind Valley was created by Vishen Lakhiani who spent years studying mind therapies & energy medicine he is sought after by world leaders who now understand that Quantum physics and mind therapies create change.  

The world has changed since Covid19 with more and more training on line. If workshops are not practical then we can create on line sessions where individuals can log in collectively via zoom, this allows for Q & A’s and reduces time away from the office. 


RTT / NLP /Hypnotherapy are valuable tools in business and can be used in multiple areas including:

Business today needs modern day modelling using mental tools. These tools are transformational!
Modern sciences such as Neuroscience and neuroplasticity can support your team members to be the best version of themselves - stress free, happy, productive and healthy.

  • Anger management
  • Re-wiring all team members’ brains to fully comprehend the company’s vision and values.
  • Installing the company’s vision – imprinting goals.
  • Motivating individuals to be the best they can be
  • Installing beliefs in individuals whose performance were exceptionally high but dropped significantly.
  • Helping individuals by removing stress.
  • Helping individuals to sleep better.
  • Helping individuals to perform better.
  • Assisting individuals with their personal health e.g., ideal weight, removing a bad habit.

“Outside The Box”

We work with new age mental tools as well as recent and ancient techniques to empower people to be the best versions of themselves.

Meditation is used as a valuable tool in major corporations throughout Europe and the USA and is slowly making its way into Corporate Australia psyche. This ancient modality and Yogic breathing are teaching people methods of de-stressing themselves in minutes.

Learning Breath control can change brain patterns in just seconds – MOVING an individual from flight or flight into a calm, responsive, reactive individual.

Hypnotherapy has been used as a modality to motivate sporting people, programme people to reach their desired goals, move people beyond limiting belief and help sporting teams and individuals to achieve their best.

RTT – a hybrid therapy that incorporates the best of neuroplasticity, neuro-science, NLP and Hypnotherapy this modality has been developed over a 30 year period with outstanding results – the creator of this modality is streets ahead of mainstream therapists much like Bandler and Grinder were in the ‘80’s when they developed NLP.

 RTT has been used successfully by Olympic Team, International Traders, International Banking organizations, schools, High profile actors and sporting teams like Wiggin Football and thousands more to move them beyond their limited beliefs.  Spiri has been personally trained in London by the creator of this Modality Marisa Peer who is recognized as one of the world’s leading therapist.

We also incorporate CBT, NLP, Behavioural science and Neuroscience in our approach. 

Our aim is to work with a select few companies to assist them to re-balance their workers lives and to help these companies with retention of staff.

Our business is broken up into 2 sections:


Our workshops cover several topics including, but not limited to

  • Short meditative practices
  • Master your mind – how your mind works
  • De-stressor exercises through breath
  • Energy workshops – how to increase energy, decrease energy, remove angst and release stress.

Corporate Consultancy

Working on site within your business helping individuals.

Consultancy can assist individuals to perform at their best.  Quite often high performers lose their zest which effects their productivity.  We can re-programme a success mind-set, move people beyond their limited belief, help individuals regain their confidence, build confidence, assist people with emotional issues including stress, anxiety, PTSS, depression, learning how to sleep again and much more.

Tradition is fine but it can inhibit new, responsive work practices.

Companies regularly update their software without question, yet how often do they update their work practices?

Fashion, motor vehicles, housing design, education, food tastes, health and media have all moved on from the ‘90s and the millennium; all have evolved and/or changed to fit in with today’s requirements and understandings. Shouldn’t we also look to progress our attitudes towards how we engage our employees and operate our businesses?

Not too long ago, yoga and meditation was thought to be mystical and those who practised it were considered a little weird, yet today it is accepted as a mainstream health modality. Reiki, Bowen therapy and other alternate therapies also fitted into this mind-set, but are now recognised as wellness modalities that assist with recuperation and recovery.

The psychology of smell and colour, used by many cultures, was thought to be “outside the box” but is now being recognised and used by international airlines, shopping centres and universities to assist with relaxation and focus.

Spiri Buhagiar has undertaken studies into multiple modalities over the past 25 years. She often presents workshops on a number of these subjects to assist businesses and offices to create an environment of energy and happiness through the use of colour, sound and smell psychology. Incorporating these psychologies will greatly assist in creating calmer, yet more energised individuals who are better able to manage stress and be more productive.

Workshops also include practices such as:

  • yoga breathing, which can help to calm the mind and the body
  • word psychology, which can change the delivery of how we interact with others and minimise misunderstandings; and
  • tapping, known as EFT, which can assist with changing a mindset of negativity to one of positiveness.

Such practices can significantly improve a company’s management and team members, as well as change the company’s culture and create ‘workplace wellness’; wellness that provides an environment where people feel comfortable at work, relate well with their colleagues and feel motivated to achieve.

Introducing our 3Rs (recognition, respect and reward) will ultimately make for happy people in your team.

Contact us to find out more.

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